
Image Sizes:

Large Header - 1920 x 880 px

Large header - 1920x880.png

Skinny Header - 1920 x 400 px

Skinny header - 1920x400.png

Square Image (for News/Blog posts and circular images) - 500 x 500 px

Square for circle and news - 500x500.png


How to add a button:

  1. Click the "Source" button on any WYSIWYG block
  2. Paste in the following beneath the other content in order to put a button at the bottom of the block: 
    • <p><a href="INSERT URL HERE" class="btn btn-orange">INSERT CTA HERE</a></p>
  3. Replace "INSERT URL HERE" with the page you want the link to go to
    • If you're linking to another page on the current site, use a relative link: if the full url is https://www.nickresorts.com/things-to-do/dining, use /things-to-do/dining instead, so that it will work across all environments (including production) without editing.
  4. Replace "INSERT CTA HERE" with the button text
  5. Click "OK" and exit the Source code view. Your button is now there!
  6. If you need to edit the text in the button at any point, click inside the button in the WYSIWYG and type.
    • It's recommended that you use all-caps when typing to match the button style.
    • Tip: Delete all but one letter from the existing button text before replacing the text in the CTA; this will help prevent text styling within the button from being removed accidentally. Once you finish adding the new text, delete the remaining letter from the old text.
  7. Save the block, and then save and/or publish the entire page when ready.

These are what the color classes look like:



The default text and headline color (without any classes) is this shade of gray.

To change text color, follow these steps:

  1. Begin editing a text or headline block (by right-clicking and choosing "Edit Block")
  2. Click on the "Source" button
  3. Before the text starts, there will be a tag that says <p>, <h1>, <h2>, etc.
    • Example:
      <h1>Here is some text</h1>
    • Here is some text

  4. Before the closing bracket ( > ) in that tag, paste the class that represents the color you want to use, ex. class="color--orange"
    • Example:
      <h1 class="color--orange">Here is some orange text</h1>
    • here is some orange text

  5. Click "OK" to exit the Source code view. You'll then see the new text color within the block.
  6. Click "Save" to exit the block and save your changes.
  7. Keep editing and publish as normal.

Overall this center column is 1120, Will's design is 1320, please update


H1: This is my empty content block on my blank page.

H2:This is my empty content block on my blank page. 

H3: This is my empty content block on my blank page. 

H4: This is my empty content block on my blank page.

H5: This is my empty content block on my blank page.
H6: This is my empty content block on my blank page.

P: This is my empty content block on my blank page. (make 24px, align left, grey by default)



This is an HTML block

This is an Icon

"Feature" Block

Style Guide

FAQ Block

FAQ Block

Blog Page List
RSS Displayer
Unable to connect to :80 . Error #0: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to :80 (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known)
Choose Language

Search Block

This is just an example of how a custom form works.

No "Contact" entries can be found

Survey Block, do you like?